cKs COD4 Server Evolves!

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Well everyone, we at cKs would like to welcome you to our first salvo of Custom maps..  For at least the time being, our cKs COD4 server is going to be running the traditional (award-winning) ranked maps that it's become so popular for as well as some of the finest custom maps this side of the Badger County.  Yup.  We've made the evolution.  At last you can enjoy some of the best maps out there on your favorite Christian Server :) 

In addition to that - the cKs servers custom mod (which has it's own ranking) will now allow to you progress through OUR SERVER from the bottom to the top.  This means you'll have to fight for top honors in rank and weapon/perk/custom kit unlocks! 

In addition to that, the mod offers SEVERAL new enhancements to the game.  That said, please keep in mind that we are still tweaking the server.  There's literally over 100 things we can alter now, and we're open to criticizm (not whining), so if you have a comment about the way our server runs during these custom map days, please log in and voice your opinion here in the forums. 

The server redirects all downloads to ensure the fastest 'get-in-the-game' experience we can provide.  Still, if you'd prefer, we will be making these custom map packs available to you here on our website as well. 

The server will be rotating on random days between stock ranked and our custom maps.  The small 8 man server will be up from time to time as a testing ground for future mods and maps, as we at cKs personally rate and check each and every map before approving it.  If you see the 8-man up, you're more than welcome to join it and voice in about maps (best done on TeamSpeak).  Thanks, God Bless, and enjoy the new maps :)