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As some of you know, I'm a HUGE fan of the online (360 and PC) series called "The Guild".  This music video was the intro to their new season (going on now) - Give it a watch, then watch the season if you've not yet :) :) :)

This was from the previous year..  Also a real catchy tune!


The show's main site is  if you want to check it out(or look in the forums/search our site for the guild) and watch the episodes and whatnot.. They are only 5-7 minutes usually.  If any of you watched "Dollhouse" and happen to own Season 1, the lead actress (Felicia Day) was in the special and sadly unaired 'Epitaph' episode, which honestly, was one of the best episodes. She writes all the shows including the songs.. Jed Whedon is the director for "The Guild" (shows and videos) as well, who is (of course) brother of Joss Whedon.  I enjoy them because of the unique and funny way your "average gamer" (okay, NOT average, total gamer junkie) is depicted.  I secretly envision some of you being like this, I won't put names to characters, lol, just saying.....