Friendly FYI

Just wanted to take a moment and let the members and community know that right now, our Custom Maps COD4 server is going through some trying times.  Please do not rage away if the server ends up in an infinite (or similar) downloading loop.  To keep the game fresh and exciting, we frequently add new custom maps to the server.  The downside is that sometimes you end up with a weed; a bad map that ruins it for other maps.  In this case, you can't detect the 'bad' map by loading it, or by waiting for it to come in the map rotation.  The flaw can (and will) strike at any time, any random moment (well, random being on the load of ANY given map, not like during a round or anything).  

We don't want to yank the most recent set of maps unless absolutely necessary.  We're going through them to determine which might be the cause, and will seek an update or remove it if necessary. 

If the server starts this "looping" process, please IM Naz or Roost in X-fire, of if ya don't have us on your list, please be patient and understanding and try back later.  I hope for this to be resolved soon.  



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